Kieran Findlater
Risk perceptions and climate-adaptive practices
Kieran Findlater studies the interplay of human judgment and decision-making, global environmental change and natural resources management. He is currently appointed as a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Forest Resources Management in the University of British Columbia. As a member of the Social-Ecological Systems Research Group, led by Dr. Shannon Hagerman, he is attached to the GE3LS component of the CoAdapTree project. In this role, he is studying stakeholder perceptions of risk and uncertainty associated with the climate-adaptive practice of assisted migration in BC’s forestry sector. He completed his PhD at the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability at the University of British Columbia. His doctoral work investigated the relationship between climate change risk perceptions and climate-adaptive behaviour among commercial grain farmers in South Africa – a uniquely informative group of relatively independent and climate-exposed decision-makers. His earlier work spanned energy policy, biofuels, land use change and water resource governance.