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Mahony CA, MacLachlan IR, Lind BM, Yoder JB,Wang T, Aitken SN. 2019. Evaluating genomic data for management of local adaptation in a changing climate: A lodgepole pine case study. Evolutionary Applications [open access]
Mengmeng Lu M, Hodgins KA, Degner JC, Yeaman S. 2019. Purifying selection does not drive signatures of convergent local adaptation of lodgepole pine and interior spruce. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 19, 110. [open access]
Mee JA, Yeaman S. 2019 Unpacking conditional neutrality: genomic signatures of selection on conditionally beneficial and conditionally deleterious mutations. American Naturalist, 194(4):529-540. [open access]
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Lu M, Hodgins K, Degner JC, Yeaman S. 2019. Purifying selection does not drive signatures of convergent local adaptation of lodgepole pine and interior spruce. BMC Evolutionary Biology 19:110 [open access]
Hagerman S, Pelai R. 2018. Responding to climate change in forest management: two decades of recommendations. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment [open access]
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Yeaman S, Gerstein AC, Hodgins KA, Whitlock MC. 2018. Quantifying how constraints limit the diversity of viable routes to adaptation. PLoS Genet 14(10): e1007717. [open access]
MacLachlan IR, Yeaman S, Aitken SN. 2017. Growth gains from selective breeding in a spruce hybrid zone do not compromise local adaptation to climate. Evolutionary Applications doi: 10.1111/eva.12525
MacLachlan IR, Wang T, Hamann A, Smets P, Aitken SN. 2017. Selective breeding of lodgepole pine increases growth and maintains climatic adaptation. Forest Ecology and Management, 391:404-416
Holliday JA, Aitken SN, Cooke JEK, Fady B, González‐Martínez SC, Heuertz M, Jaramillo‐Correa J-P, Lexer C, Staton M, Whetten RW, Plomion C. 2017. Advances in ecological genomics in forest trees and applications to genetic resources conservation and breeding. Molecular Ecology 26:706-717 [open access]
Yeaman S, Hodgins KA, Lotterhos KE, Suren H, Nadeau S, Degner JC, Nurkowski KA, Smets P, Wang T, Gray LK, Liepe KJ, Hamann A, Holliday JA, Whitlock MC, Rieseberg LH and SN Aitken. 2016. Convergent local adaptation to climate in distantly related conifers. Science 353(6306):1431-1433. [abstract] [pdf]
Hodgins KA, Yeaman S, Nurkowski KA, Rieseberg LH and SN Aitken. 2016. Expression divergence is correlated with sequence evolution but not positive selection in conifers. Molecular Biology and Evolution 33 (6): 1502-1516.
Suren H, Hodgins KA, Yeaman S, Nurkowski KA, Smets P, Rieseberg LR, Aitken SN and JH Holliday. 2016. Exome capture from the spruce and pine giga-genomes. Molecular Ecology Resources 16: 1136–1146.
Liepe KJ, Hamann A, Smets P, Fitzpatrick CR and Aitken SN. 2016. Adaptation of lodgepole pine and interior spruce to climate: implications for reforestation in a warming world. Evolutionary Applications 9(2): 409-419. [open access]
Aitken, SN and Bemmels, JB. 2016. Time to get moving: assisted gene flow of forest trees. Evolutionary Applications 9:271–290. [open access]
Lotterhos, KE and MC Whitlock. 2015. The relative power of genome scans depends on sampling design and statistical method. Molecular Ecology 24(5): 1031-1046.
Yeaman S. 2015. Local adaptation by alleles of small effect. American Naturalist 186 (supplement 1): S74–S89.
Whitlock MC and KE Lotterhos. 2015. Reliable detection of loci responsible for local adaptation: Inference of a neutral model through trimming the distribution of Fst. American Naturalist 186(S1): S24 – S36.
Hajjar R and RA Kozak. 2015. Exploring public perceptions of forest adaptation strategies in Western Canada: Implications for policy-makers. Forest Policy and Economics 61: 59–69.
Hajjar R, E McGuigan, M Moshofsky and RA Kozak. 2014. Opinions on strategies for forest adaptation to future climate conditions in western Canada: surveys of the general public and leaders of forest-dependent communities. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2014, 44(12): 1525-1533.
Hamann A, DR Roberts, QE Barber and C Carroll. 2014. Velocity of climate change algorithms for guiding conservation and management. Global Change Biology 21:997–1004.
Franks SJ, JJ Weber JJ and SN Aitken. 2014. Evolutionary and plastic responses to climate change in terrestrial plant populations. Evolutionary Applications 7:123–139.
De La Torre AR, T Wang, B Jaquish and SN Aitken. 2014. Adaptation and exogenous selection in a Picea glauca. New Phytologist 201: 687–699.
Moshofsky M. 2014. Climate Change, Forests, and Communities: Identifying the Range of Acceptable Human Interventions in Forested Ecosystems. MSc thesis, University of British Columbia, 113 + xiii p.
Lotterhos, KE and MC Whitlock. 2014. Evaluation of demographic history and neutral parameterization on the performance of FST outlier tests. Molecular Ecology, vol 23, issue 9: 2178–2192. [open access]
Yeaman S, KA Hodgins, H Suren, KA Nurkowski, LH Rieseberg, JA Holliday and SN Aitken. 2014. Conservation and divergence of gene expression plasticity following c. 140 million years of evolution in lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and interior spruce (Picea glauca x Picea engelmannii). New Phytologist. vol. 203, issue 2:578–591.
Yeaman S. 2013. Genomic rearrangements and the evolution of clusters of locally adaptive loci. PNAS, vol. 110 no. 19: 1743-1751. [open access]
Aitken SN and MC Whitlock. 2013. Assisted gene flow to facilitate adaptation to climate change. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, vol 44: 367-388.
Alberto F, SN Aitken, R Alia, S Gonzalez-Martinez, H Hanninen, A Kremer, F Lefevre, T Lenormand, S Yeaman, R Whetten and O Savolainen. 2013. Potential for evolutionary responses to climate change – evidence from tree populations. Global Change Biology, vol 19 issue 6: 1645-1661. [open access]
Holliday, JA, T Wang, and SN Aitken. 2012. Predicting adaptive phenotypes from multilocus genotypes in Sitka Spruce (Picea sitchensis) using Random Forest. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, vol 2: 1085-1093. [open access]
Wang, T., EM Campbell, GA O’Neill and SN Aitken. 2012. Projecting future distributions of ecosystem climate niches: Uncertainties and management applications. Forest Ecology and Management, vol 279: 128-140.
Holliday, JA, K Ritland and SN Aitken. 2010a. Widespread, ecologically relevant genetic markers developed from association mapping of climate-related traits in Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis). New Phytologist, vol 188: 501-514. [open access]
Holliday, JA, M Yuen, K Ritland and SN Aitken. 2010b. Postglacial history of a widespread conifer produces inverse clines in selective neutrality tests. Molecular Ecology, vol 19: 3857-3864.
Mbogga, MS, T Wang and A Hamann, 2010. Bioclimate envelope model predictions for natural resource management: dealing with uncertainty. Journal of Applied Ecology (47: 731-740).
Wang, T, GA O’Neill and SN Aitken. 2010. Integrating environmental and genetic effects to predict responses of tree populations to climate. Ecological applications (20: 153-163).